Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Yet another crazy day with these kids...

So, today began at 6:30am when my children decided to wake up extra early. I had taken two NON-DROWSY allergy pills last night which knock me out completely. I was so groggy this morning that I told my kids to leave me alone and go back to bed. I should have known better than to do that, because surely they aren't going back to bed. But, I was truly out of it. I wake up at 7:20 which is my normal time to wake up and find three kids standing in my room saying, "Good morning mommie!!" I was so confused. As I began to wake up and realize what was going on, I noticed that they were wearing white t-shirts that they had decided to decorate with markers. All the shirts were about how much they loved me and how I was a #1 mom. I was not happy that they decorated their t-shirts which can never be worn again, however, how could I be too upset. Then they said, "Wait mom, there's more..." On that cue- they turned around and showed me the back of their shirts. On each shirt there was one letter written really large and then "RO" written on the top. When they lined up together, their shirts spelled 'Mom'. Cute, huh? Then they brought in the "Mickey Mouse breakfast" which consisted of pepporoni with a little piece of swiss cheese on top, two halves of toasted bagel, and plain white bread(non-toasted) with butter on top. All was arrainged in a mickey mouse face. These kids....they really do love me!!


Vudochki said...

That is an awesome way to wake up!

Dave & Kami said...

They are so cute and creative! What a fun morning!