Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Civil War Christmas

Having moved to the South this year, I found an appropriate Christmas program offered through the parks department. It was at a historical farm from the Civil War Era. There were lots of buildings to visit and many actors re-inacting the Civil War times. The kids were able to do a craft from that era which was to make ornaments out of burrs that fall from the trees (gumdrop trees), and stringing popcorn and dried cranberries on a thread to hang on the Christmas tree. They also had hot chocolate and made dinner outdoors in the "kitchen" which consisted of cooking with a dutch oven over hot coals.
This was a blacksmith showing us how to make a decorative poker for the fire.
All the kids got a turn at the spinning wheel to see how it worked.
They had a "Father Christmas" figure there. Jenna only wanted to see him because he handed out candy canes. The kids thought it was funny that "Santa" was Korean!!
Only happy about the candy cane.
Hey.., I want a candy cane too!!
"Mom, this guy is creepy..."
My little Union soldiers.
This is what happens when you have an odd number of children.
The kids were running through the prarie. This experience made me want to own lots of land...
This would make a really cute Christmas card. (Nah, that takes A LOT of effort...)
Someone caught their daddy in the outhouse... (Just playing around.)
More running in the prairies. They did this for a LONG time.
So, we were the only people there that didn't homeschool. Some took this historical Christmas thing to extremes.
LOVE this pic of Jenna. I don't know why, but it captures her very essence.
What a cute little stinker!
The family farmhouse. It was done up with period furniture and was really fun to see.
The Yankees decided to invade on enemy turf...
"Go Home, Yankees!!"
Ooh... almost got 'em.
Look at those dead soldiers in the field!
Of course the Confederates won... we DO live in Georgia! Here are my cute rebels!
Three rebels ready to attack...
The "Ro Rebels" are coming for ya!!

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