Monday, August 23, 2010

Stacey, lately...

Well, we have big news at our house. I, (Stacey) have taken a job. It is full-time at the school by our house, Mann Elementary and I am working as a Paraeducator in the Preschool classroom. Our preschool is very special. You must qualify to attend. Children with developmental delays, multiple handicaps, and foster children are tested and if they qualify for services, they are placed in our classroom. We have an AM and a PM class. My son, Taesun has been in the preschool over at Erpenbeck for 1 1/2 years already and will continue to attend this year. He has wonderful teachers and paraeducators. We are quite pleased with Tae's progress with his speech delay. I am super excited to work with these children. They are truly special and deserve the best quality care. I am so blessed to be able to work with these students. I am learning so much. Above all, I can see the hand of God and His love in all of these children.

My family is adjusting well to this change. Tae is going to another preschool after his time at Erpenbeck and he is loving it!! After only three days at the new school, he learned how to write a lower and uppercase A and B. I was overjoyed!! I know that this is a great opportunity for Tae to play "catch-up" with his delay in speech. Hopefully he will be able to attend Kindergarten without an IEP!!!

Basically, my day consists of this schedule now:

6:45am- wake up/get ready
8:00am- load up car with kids
8:10am- drop off kids at school
8:30am- report to work
3:40pm- leave work
3:50pm- pick up Tae
4:00pm- meet kids at home
4-5pm- make dinner
5:00pm- eat dinner
6:00pm-soccer some nights/church other nights
8:00pm- kids in bed
9:00pm- mom in bed

It sure does make for a crazy day, but I really enjoy being busy! Anyway- that is what is going on in the life of Stacey, lately.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

From Drab to Fab!!

We went to the world's longest yard sale a few weekends ago and Addison really wanted to find a cool lap desk since school was starting soon. Well- we happened upon this one, and it fit one of the criteria which was the fact that it is a lap desk, but cool- it was not!! So, I told Addison that I could help her make it look cool. I am not sure she believed that I could do it, but lo and behold....After a little Mod Podge and some scrapbooking supplies, we think it turned out well!! It is personalized with Addi's name on it and the best part is that it costs us $0.25!!!
When I looked on etsy to see if other people had done this before, I found a few lap desks that ranged from $25- $40!!! Wow- what a savings!!!

Soccer Season Starts Again!!

Okay... so this is what we've been up to lately- SOCCER!!! In the following pictures, do you see a trend?We have been working with Tae to keep his hands out of his mouth and boy is it annoying!!! We just can't get him to stop. It was very evident when we saw the pictures from today that he isn't getting any better about it. Then- I got a very cool picture during the game. It had started to rain and I thought to snap a shot of Tae in front of the goal. I think it turned out great! Look how beautiful Kentucky is in the background. I just love it here!!

Firefighter Tae

Here is my sweetie-peetie, T-dog. I found this cool firefighter outfit at HomeGoods and thought of Tae immediately! He really wants to be a fireman when he grows up.

First Day Back

Here's how I found the kids on the morning of the first day of school... They had been awake since 6am and had gotten dressed in their school clothes all ready to walk out the door! They were watching Phinneas and Ferb on TV and waiting for Mommy and Daddy to wake up.Here are all four of us on our first day at school. Rob is taking the picture of course. I told everyone that since I started a new job working in the school as a preschool aide in a special needs room that it was technically my "first day at school" too!!
And of course- the three amigos... Aren't they super cute!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Group Picture

One more from Colorado... from bottom to top, left to right.... Jenna, Addison, Taesun, John, Kayla.... Rob, Stacey, Tae, Linda, Chuck, Tracy. Kurt was already gone when we took these pics.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ro Cousins

Here are the cousins all together. Last time this happened previous to this year was when Taesun was a baby. So glad we got them together. They had an absolute blast!!

Jay- 3, Rob-0

My Jenna-Benna and my dear hubby decided to go fly fishing. It was kinda a two-for-one deal where Rob could go alone for $45 or Jenna could go with him for $60 total. We decided that it was a good bonding time for Jay and Rob, so Jenna learned spin-fishing and Rob learned fly-fishing. Rob caught zero and Jay caught THREE!!! She was super excited!!! (And she rubbed it in Rob's face for awhile:) ) They had a blast.

Heaven or Colorado?

This is the view from our cabin in Estes Park, CO this past week. Seriously, can it get any more heavenly than this? Check out how low the clouds are... Actually they are not that low- we were just that high up. 8000 ft above sea level to be exact.