Saturday, November 6, 2010

Miami, Baby!!

Rob asked the family today if we wanted to go up to Miami University where he went to school. We all agreed to go and were so glad we did! First thing we did was eat at Skippers Pub. Rob used to work there in college and the manager still remembered him by name. They have the yummiest honey mustard I've ever tasted!! Everyone was filled to the brim with delicious food so we decided to go to the University Bookstore and buy sweatshirts since it was sooo cold outside. Taesun fell in love with the hat too!!
 We stopped by the Goggin Ice Arena where the Miami Redhawks Ice Hockey team plays. They had open skating and since none of my kids had ever been, we decided to go. Taesun was super scared when he got his shoes on. He was backing away from Rob and was honestly terrified. The girls were excited. I decided that I would go with the kids since it would be better for me to get hurt than for Rob to get hurt. (He is the major breadwinner, ya know?!) I was also petrified since I hadn't been on the ice in over 20 years! I did great and so did the kids. Once Tae saw that we could hold on to the walls, he was excited to get out there and try it. He did really well as long as he was holding onto the walls! Jenna ended up doing awesome and going out into the middle of the rink! She loved it! Addison was doing well, but had a couple BIG falls and was quite sore in the end. The thing I love about Addison is that when something doesn't come easy to her, she tries and tries again until she gets it!!
 Here is Taesun's "Iron Man" face. He does it all the time. No really- ALL THE TIME! We were glad to get it on camera so we can show him these pics when he grows up!!
 With all the beautiful scenery nearby, we got some great shots of the kids. Here is one of my favorites!!
 We actually got to see the collegiate ice skating teams perform. They look great here, but in person...not so great. Pretty boring actually. Rob and I coaxed the kids to leave in the middle of the performance. They complied!!
 We kept asking Addison if she wanted to go to Miami University when she grows up and she definitely does! We thought this picture looked like she was all grown up and ready for college. Sloooowww Dooowwnn, Addi!! We're not quite ready for this yet!
 If you can see what I'm holding in my hand, it is quite possibly the largest leaf I've ever seen! Jenna found it and we wanted to document it. It was literally twice the size of Jenna's head. Insane!!!
 Since we were still there at dinnertime, Rob asked if we wanted to eat at the dining hall he used to eat at in school. We all thought it would be a fun experience. It was!! The kids got a kick out of the chocolate milk machine with endless chocolate milk to drink. We topped the meal off with ice cream!! What a great end to a terrific Saturday as a family!
Great idea to go to Miami University today, Rob!! We really want to go back soon. We love you!!

Happy Halloween!

This year for Halloween, the kids had a storybook character parade. Jenna went as Fancy Nancy and Addison went as a 'mom' from the book that she and two of her friends, Sarah and Amanda wrote last year in class. They looked super cute and thoroughly enjoyed their day!!
 We bought vampire teeth for Tae and Jenna to wear around the house. In this picture, Jenna's hair was up in curlers for the night. Since Rob took the kids out to dinner we put the scarf around her head. Sometimes the kids really do love each other!!
 On Halloween morning, the kids woke up early and made Rob and I breakfast in bed. They used candy they collected from the night before at the Trunk or Treat at our church to decorate the plate. The cute little guy in the middle is an Ego waffle with apple pieces cut up to look like a face. In the bowl are the remainding apple pieces to munch on. The peace sign and other decorations on here are made from play-dough. I just love how creative the kids are!!
 For our church's annual "Trunk or Treat," we allowed our kids to bring some friends from school. Jenna decided to invite Midori and Minami, (her Japanese friends from school). Minami's brother, Keito wanted to come too.
 Addison invited three friends. Elizabeth, Amanda, and Sarah came. They were so cute. Everyone had a super-fun time!!
Also- the kids ended up getting grounded from Trick or Treat this year. They went to the church activity the night before, so they didn't really care all too much. Hopefully they will realize that going Trick-or-Treating is a privilege and NOT something they are entitled to. Next year will definitely be better!! (We still had fun though..)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Stacey, lately...

Well, we have big news at our house. I, (Stacey) have taken a job. It is full-time at the school by our house, Mann Elementary and I am working as a Paraeducator in the Preschool classroom. Our preschool is very special. You must qualify to attend. Children with developmental delays, multiple handicaps, and foster children are tested and if they qualify for services, they are placed in our classroom. We have an AM and a PM class. My son, Taesun has been in the preschool over at Erpenbeck for 1 1/2 years already and will continue to attend this year. He has wonderful teachers and paraeducators. We are quite pleased with Tae's progress with his speech delay. I am super excited to work with these children. They are truly special and deserve the best quality care. I am so blessed to be able to work with these students. I am learning so much. Above all, I can see the hand of God and His love in all of these children.

My family is adjusting well to this change. Tae is going to another preschool after his time at Erpenbeck and he is loving it!! After only three days at the new school, he learned how to write a lower and uppercase A and B. I was overjoyed!! I know that this is a great opportunity for Tae to play "catch-up" with his delay in speech. Hopefully he will be able to attend Kindergarten without an IEP!!!

Basically, my day consists of this schedule now:

6:45am- wake up/get ready
8:00am- load up car with kids
8:10am- drop off kids at school
8:30am- report to work
3:40pm- leave work
3:50pm- pick up Tae
4:00pm- meet kids at home
4-5pm- make dinner
5:00pm- eat dinner
6:00pm-soccer some nights/church other nights
8:00pm- kids in bed
9:00pm- mom in bed

It sure does make for a crazy day, but I really enjoy being busy! Anyway- that is what is going on in the life of Stacey, lately.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

From Drab to Fab!!

We went to the world's longest yard sale a few weekends ago and Addison really wanted to find a cool lap desk since school was starting soon. Well- we happened upon this one, and it fit one of the criteria which was the fact that it is a lap desk, but cool- it was not!! So, I told Addison that I could help her make it look cool. I am not sure she believed that I could do it, but lo and behold....After a little Mod Podge and some scrapbooking supplies, we think it turned out well!! It is personalized with Addi's name on it and the best part is that it costs us $0.25!!!
When I looked on etsy to see if other people had done this before, I found a few lap desks that ranged from $25- $40!!! Wow- what a savings!!!

Soccer Season Starts Again!!

Okay... so this is what we've been up to lately- SOCCER!!! In the following pictures, do you see a trend?We have been working with Tae to keep his hands out of his mouth and boy is it annoying!!! We just can't get him to stop. It was very evident when we saw the pictures from today that he isn't getting any better about it. Then- I got a very cool picture during the game. It had started to rain and I thought to snap a shot of Tae in front of the goal. I think it turned out great! Look how beautiful Kentucky is in the background. I just love it here!!

Firefighter Tae

Here is my sweetie-peetie, T-dog. I found this cool firefighter outfit at HomeGoods and thought of Tae immediately! He really wants to be a fireman when he grows up.

First Day Back

Here's how I found the kids on the morning of the first day of school... They had been awake since 6am and had gotten dressed in their school clothes all ready to walk out the door! They were watching Phinneas and Ferb on TV and waiting for Mommy and Daddy to wake up.Here are all four of us on our first day at school. Rob is taking the picture of course. I told everyone that since I started a new job working in the school as a preschool aide in a special needs room that it was technically my "first day at school" too!!
And of course- the three amigos... Aren't they super cute!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Group Picture

One more from Colorado... from bottom to top, left to right.... Jenna, Addison, Taesun, John, Kayla.... Rob, Stacey, Tae, Linda, Chuck, Tracy. Kurt was already gone when we took these pics.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ro Cousins

Here are the cousins all together. Last time this happened previous to this year was when Taesun was a baby. So glad we got them together. They had an absolute blast!!

Jay- 3, Rob-0

My Jenna-Benna and my dear hubby decided to go fly fishing. It was kinda a two-for-one deal where Rob could go alone for $45 or Jenna could go with him for $60 total. We decided that it was a good bonding time for Jay and Rob, so Jenna learned spin-fishing and Rob learned fly-fishing. Rob caught zero and Jay caught THREE!!! She was super excited!!! (And she rubbed it in Rob's face for awhile:) ) They had a blast.

Heaven or Colorado?

This is the view from our cabin in Estes Park, CO this past week. Seriously, can it get any more heavenly than this? Check out how low the clouds are... Actually they are not that low- we were just that high up. 8000 ft above sea level to be exact.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 4th

So, this year we had Rob's parents here for the fourth of July. Hence- we didn't do our annual trip to Louisville for our old neighbor's party. Instead, we stayed home. We did go to the Union Celebrates America event on Friday night. It was amazing. Although, I don't have pics from it, the fireworks were an amazing professional show. There was an Army band named the "Dragoons" that played. They even had a few original songs that were great!! It set the mood for celebrating how great being an American is!!

Then- on Sunday... we were invited from some neighbor friends to watch their 'home firework show'. It was great. The kids ran around catching fireflies and watching the fireworks. They would scream, "Fire in the hole..." and run back to the garage to get as far away from the fireworks as they could. Super cute!! Then- as one firework went off, it went awry and a flame landed right on top of the other remaining fireworks which set them ALL off at once!! They were sitting on the chair until they all blew up. Here's what remained of the chair. I honestly was soooo afraid someone was going to get hurt...but no one did. THANK YOU GOD!!! It was fun overall...even though there were definitely some scary times.

200th post!!!

Don't worry... I'm not going to post 200 things about me or 200 reasons you should read my blog...(although you should, of course!) Instead, I just want to encourage all of you bloggers to blog away and then, when the year is up, you can turn your blog into a book. This is like a journal to me and my family. I'm not the best at 'writing' everything down, but I am alright at blogging our fun times and memories. This IS our journal. My hope is that my kids can look back at these blog books and remember growing up in a fun way. So- with that being said.... enjoy looking at our blog and I want to welcome you into the crazy life of 'The Ro Show!'

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jenna is 7!!!

Jenna had a party this year at Lazer Kraze. She invited tons of guests, but in summer's fashion, most of her friends were out of town. Her bestest friend, Midori, was even in Japan!! She loved being the center of attention for the day!!

She played three games of Lazer Tag, and loved every minute of it!

Here's the crowd after our first mission. Whew!! We were tired.

Blowing out the candles on her iCarly cake.

Seven reasons we love Jenna...
1) She is ALWAYS singing. Anyone with a song in their heart that much, must be a happy person!
2) She has the cutest snaggle-tooth smile right now! With her teeth growing in, I just can't help but smile when she does.
3) She LOVES weird TV shows like.... Man Vs. Wild, Ninja Warrior, and of course iCarly.
4) She is a cuddle bug. She loves to sit on your lap, give you kisses, and just be doted on.
5) She is a fashionista. She has been particular about her outfits since she was 2 yrs. old. She hates collared shirts, and can't stand her "Drop it Like It's Hot" tater tot t-shirt.
6) She is a great athlete. She has natural ability. We were surprised at how quickly she picked up soccer this year. She is also great at gymnastics, dance, and riding her bike.
7) She will always be our little girl. She was so hard as a baby, but so worth it! I LOVE YOU, JENNA!!!

New Dresses.... Homemade!

These were by far... the easiest dresses to make!! The gathered fabric was already made and I just had to attach the bottom fabric to create the dress part. Then, I added quilt binding to the bottom of the dress and used the same binding as the straps on the dress. Of course, my girls will NOT be wearing these without a shirt underneath. Modesty is hot in our house!!!

Modeling pictures...

Beautiful Addison Looking gorgeous...

Jenna posing for the camera...
What a cutie-pie!

They got a hold of the camera. Since we're posting modeling photos... here's as much of me as you'll see in my swimsuit!

Taesun before his haircut. Lots of hair to spike up... he did it himself!!